About Us

Umoja International Outreach Church is committed to the authority of the Scriptures, exposition preaching and God-centered worship. We focus on reaching out to all the Swahili speaking Community and non-Swahili speakers from all Christians’ background with the living word of God, and on ensuring the growth of every individual in knowing and experiencing God in their everyday life. In order to fulfill that assignment given by God, we are partner with Missouri Synod through-Area B The Texas District, LCMS.

The purpose of UMOJA International Outreach Church is to fulfill the great commission (Matt 28:18-20), and to encourage our members to live practically according to the mode of the first church mentioned in Acts chapter 2:43-47. In other words, IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE! We gather to experience the loving relationship that Jesus offers us. Then we go into the world to develop loving relationships with others, so they might see Christ living in us (John 13:34-35).
We have committed ourselves to God’s vision to become a discipleship center where the Word of God is experienced in action, every day, by every generation.
At UMOJA, we ask that our people commit to a set of values that will challenge them in their growth with God in the hopes that God will transform them into better disciples.
Commit to the mission and vision of UMOJA Church
Pray daily (Philippians 4:6-7)
Read the Bible daily (Psalm 1:2-3; 119:11&105)
Develop Christian minds (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:15-17)
Serve others (Galatians 5:13, & 1Peter 5:5)
Worship weekly (Hebrew 10:25)
Financial tithing (Malachi 3:8-12)
Give joyfully of your time and talent at Umoja Church (Galatians 6:6-10, 1Corinthians 12:1-31)
We hope this information gives you a peek into what fuels our UMOJA Family (Church) but to get a much better picture, come see for yourself. We invite you to come and worship at UMOJA several times and experience the difference our church can make in your life.